Wednesday, December 16, 2009

So I decided a while ago that mainstream society sucks ass.
There are many reasons for this. I probably don't need to explain them to you.
But, here goes.
It always bothered me that we are fucking up our world.
Poisoning our oceans, our air, ourselves.
Enforcing dominion over the beasts of the earth, the fruits of the vine.
Sticking our germy little fingers into the very pattern of life itself.

It can only end badly for us, so we'd better get our shit straight FAST.
Otherwise, Ma Nature's gonna bitch slap us pretty soon here.

But I'm only one person. What can I do?

I believe the only meaningful change comes from within.
We must live the future we seek.

So I bought a beast of a diesel van to live in, quit my job, traveled across the country and joined a commune.
I finally escaped mainstream society.

What now?

This blog is intended to chronicle my adventures living in an intentional community.
Certainly various rants and ramblings will creep in, but hey, this is my blog, so if you don't like my rants, read somebody else's blog.

Life is all about personal choice and taking responsibility for those choices.

My life is at least never boring.
Wanna come along for the ride?

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