Gee, sorry guys, what a teaser.
I would have posted more often if I hadn't been concentrating so much on rejecting sexual advances from my local cult leader.
What a weird place.
As I mentioned, there were some issues with the people.
But hey, I learned how to butcher chickens and sheep, and remodel a trailer, and how not to do lots of other projects.
It was an experience.
Yep, I was convinced that the best survival scenario for me was to join a hippie commune. It sounds so much more romantic than living in a shitty trailer park in the armpit of the middle of nowhere and eating sprouted wheat.
So I joined an "intentional community" in Washington State near the Columbia River Gorge.
It was not, however, a hippie commune.
I wound up remodeling a shitty trailer in the armpit of next to nowhere, and feeding sprouted wheat to the chickens.
Initially it seemed like a good deal; prepper minded community members, wheat by the ton, alternative energy generation projects in the works. Then I realized that I was valued more for my semi-aggressive sexuality and my euro-centric good looks than for any skills or knowledge or great ideas I might contribute.
I was really not looking to be wife number three (or four?) to an egomaniac old enough to be my father.
So after replacing the water pump in the community backhoe that had been broken down since I arrived 6 months prior, I packed my van and headed for greener pastures.
Fate still had her twisted sense of humor and she granted me safe passage to southern Oregon.
I spent the most blissed-out summer of my life in this green valley. I really do live in a hippie commune now. It's fantastic.
I even have internet access in my new, not-as-shitty trailer, so y'all will be hearing more about my latest adventures.....I promise.
Thought ya fell off the world.
ReplyDeleteHey Dragon. I did, for a while. Consensus/mainstream reality still seems like just a bad dream out here. I thought it was time to start sharing my good dreams. Thanks for stopping by.